How to do directory mail merge on mac
How to do directory mail merge on mac

how to do directory mail merge on mac how to do directory mail merge on mac

If you're using Word 2007 or later, Save As the document in the Word 97 - 2003 (.doc) format - NOT the Word 2007 (.docx) format.For example, if you have a database which includes a "FirstName" field, you might name personnel photos "John.jpg," "Mary.jpg," and so forth. The key to variable images is to have a collection of photo or image files in a folder on your computer or network, and to name the images files the same as the contents of a field in the database.IncludePicture finicky and won't work if you so much as breathe on it the wrong way. Try to follow the instructions very, very precisely. When you do, the name of the document will still appear first, but it will be followed by the data in the selected field- Unsolicited Pitch-Frank and Unsolicited Pitch-Doris, for instance.This step-by-step explanation has been excerpted from an online article on using IncludePicture and is included here by kind permission of its author. Select the name of the recipient under the first step and then choose Assign For Use With File Naming from this pop-up menu. By default they’re assigned with the Pages’ document name followed by a number- Unsolicited Pitch-1, Unsolicited Pitch-2, and so on. It’s also within step 2’s pop-up menu that you can choose how your merged documents will be named. The letter M will appear to the right of the selected email address indicating that the addresses in this column will be used as the To address in your messages. If you intend to email the results of your work, select the email address that appears in the list under step 1 and, from step 2’s pop-up menu, choose Assign As Email Recipient Address. In order for this to work you must create a list of email addresses for your recipients in your Numbers document (having an email placeholder in the Pages document isn’t necessary). In step 5 you can choose to email a copy of your merged document to your recipients. When you make a selection in the second step, its name appears under the Assigned Placeholder Tags heading in the first step. Select the one associated with the entry you highlighted in step 1 (in the example you’d choose FIRSTNAME). Click on the pop-up menu next to the second step and you’ll see a list of all the placeholders you’ve created in the Pages document. Select the first item in the list (in my example you’d select Frank). When you do, the information from the first column in the Numbers document will appear in the Data Record Items area. In the area marked with a 1, choose Selection of Numbers Table from the pop-up menu and click the Import button. Launch the Pages Data Merge app and walk through the numbered steps. In Numbers, create a spreadsheet that includes the data you want to merge. (The column header need not match the placeholder names you’ve created.) Now select all the rows that contain the data you want to merge. You then launch Numbers and create a spreadsheet that includes columns for each entry. Select placeholder text and assign a script tag to it. Repeat for each bit of text that you wish to use as a placeholder. Into this field enter the name of your placeholder-FIRSTNAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, MATENAME, or whatever’s most appropriate. A Script Tag field will appear in the Text pane to the right. Now select the first placeholder entry and from Pages’ Format menu choose Advanced > Define As Placeholder Text.

How to do directory mail merge on mac